TD11 - Wall Post Capping
These are wall post cappings. They come in two sizes small and large each in sets of four.
These are wall post cappings. They come in two sizes small and large each in sets of four.
These are wall post cappings. They come in two sizes small and large each in sets of four.
N scale - H=1.7mm, W=2.3mm, WA=3mm, L-A= 5.3mm, L-B=3.2mm
TT scale - H=2.5mm, W=3.5mm, WA= 4.7mm, L-A= 8.2mm, L-B=4.9mm
OO scale - H=3.3mm, W=4.7mm, WA= 6mm, L-A= 11mm, L-B=6.5mm
O scale - H=5.7mm, W=8mm, WA= 10.7mm, L-A= 19mm, L-B=11.25mm
N scale comes in a packet of 4 Small
N scale comes in a packet of 4 Large
TT scale comes in a packet of 4 Small
TT scale comes in a packet of 4 Large
OO scale comes in a packet of 4 Small
OO scale comes in a packet of 4 Large
O scale comes in a packet of 4 Small
O scale comes in a packet of 4 Large